My perfect soul.

She the perfect match;

Im not heightening a white flag.

To blow in the breeze of our past, waring love.

invisible bombs dropping in our heads as thoughts,

Tankful actions to betray me…

May the land minds of our words,

Self destruct, may the tank lose course,

May the spiralling bombs around us, to cease.

The end of our war, belongs to future loves.

May they be more understanding, less prideful.

May the war cease, the flag to hover whilst blue jay’s pass nearby;

May the sun set whilst you’re smiling in-front of him.

May your smile stay bold and flawless,

You deserve to be content, i do know.

I love you…

To lose your massive pride,

Would mean to me, that I’m worth it too, am i?

@vincecarre My writing instagram

Chasing a Love

My feeling’s created a vortex – They shall bring her towards; Her’s deflect my circular storm.  The wind shoots towards immensely.

Knocking me down – She comes forward wearing an (unknown) mask, wielding a freshly sharpened knife – The days have passed, the blade remained, the mask knew many roles, the knife has taken many foes – The darkness is overpowering

The weaponry, becomes dull as she progresses her stabs locating my heart – the vortex lessens in size.

She smiles, the beauty of her smile, catches me off guard – my feeling’s ‘sharpen’ – They take ahold – strengthen…. ascend – The vortex grow’s dangerously large;

The powerful air becomes unstable, It fluctuates – tilts rapidly, back-and-forth – bringing forth the other, consuming her; the blade – bounced off my heavily guarded heart, the blade bent…. I wake up, and realize i’ve been walking once more in my sleep – Feeling’s still needing release, to pick her up, and wrap my arms around.

Shadowy Gripped

I take a sip of beer, realizing that my demise is soon. the shadowness of alcoholism, is creeping up, and gravitating with his fingery hold… finger by finger, attaching itself to my being… it’s grip is cold and scaly… it’s shadowy feeling… is creating an uneasy feeling, a cold and unforgiving one…. slowly by slowly my liver is giving out, it’s hurting more and more, as the days progress i feel the evil man tightening his grip. His hold is strong, and his nails are sharp… He’s beginning to hurt my arm, i tell him no! but he has an evil smile on his face, on that screams, victim… as i sip my beverage i sink into a horrid depression, and i look on the calendar… but i don’t see much days, let alone weeks… i scream out to God, but we’ve grown distant…

The Angel

Feeling are fluttering within my body. an aura surrounds my it, to my finger-tips, down to my legs. positivity and joy are common feelings now, they almost feel out-of-place, different. such feelings give me anxiety at times, because it’s new… My angel had descended years back, and our encounters are phenomenal. We shine with pleasure… The sun is within the sky and she’s pleased. She’s forever content and at peace with society and nature. Although she’s encountered ridicule and much sadness. she’s strong and intimidates those around her, because she knows her strength.. her beauty and herself. Which i admire about her gentle soul. Humbled.

Aura of a God

On-top hovering above the clouds, talking with the god’s. they’re telling me that i’m doing great, that i should be happy – because my life’s “fantastic” and that i need to prepare for the good life. they’re keeping me well, keeping me from erupting and causing a scene, giving me strength, for the life of the greats. They whisper into my ear, you’re fantastic, you’re excellent… eventually the confidence they’ve given doesn’t feel all-that-special… the same divine being whispering into my ear, plenty, leaves me rather disappointed, i wish the world would tell me something desirable to my situation. making this concrete, God’s are rather illusive, so they’re high hopes, turn ‘round. i now feel like they’re stringing me along… wanting me to fail… they’re compliments turn to insults, i feel wobbly upon my pedestal, sitting upon a great’s body. that it appears they’ve given me… should i find the truth in myself? or depend on another…. seems like their ulterior motive was to get me to respect myself, so they allowed me to hangout with the god’s… give a little aura… then find my way – suddenly it all-is-in-place…. and my life doesn’t feel all-that-bad. And i’ve turned rather strong due to their admiration… suddenly it all clicks, i feel wonderful and satisfied, I find the God, but they’ve relocated and aren’t around, i still believe they’re watching so i whisper back, thank-you.

The Illusion of Thoughts.

Everyday feels warmer and brighter… each day feels anew, different, it keeps getting better than the previous day, that’s all that really matters, i tell myself. the difference creates a game-like-feel, it definitely frightens me, to be within the game of life, or possibly outside. it doesn’t change the feeling that these days are preparing me for a journey, within the higher ranks of society…. a higher position, or so the illusions tell me. I feel like an eagle amongst pigeons, or so it feels. but each day that gets better-and-better, could possibly be an illusion built upon fake beliefs, and fake memories, because each memory stems from the brain, and i have schizophrenia…. a life built upon the fakes of a mind, is unstable, and could possibly come down with a swift-blow. it’s traumatizing to think of, so i never really do any serious thinking upon that question… i live to heighten my perspective; learning, thinking. although its funny that i do so much work on my mind yet i’m very insecure about the stability of my mind… but it’s what i fell in-love with, within my life… and it is enjoyable to think that your brain could make a drastic difference within life. or be a complete failure… I’m standing on a thin line, between n reality and fiction and sometimes those two collide, illogical-logical, mindset. built around extremely crazy phobias. makes you wonder if all this is for nothing…