My perfect soul.

She the perfect match;

Im not heightening a white flag.

To blow in the breeze of our past, waring love.

invisible bombs dropping in our heads as thoughts,

Tankful actions to betray me…

May the land minds of our words,

Self destruct, may the tank lose course,

May the spiralling bombs around us, to cease.

The end of our war, belongs to future loves.

May they be more understanding, less prideful.

May the war cease, the flag to hover whilst blue jay’s pass nearby;

May the sun set whilst you’re smiling in-front of him.

May your smile stay bold and flawless,

You deserve to be content, i do know.

I love you…

To lose your massive pride,

Would mean to me, that I’m worth it too, am i?

@vincecarre My writing instagram


As i go around the zombies – too messed up from her potions to think. Theyre pulling ideas out in a frozen mind, unaware im walking past, no thought train to conduct. Theyre not aware, of what they should do. As i move towards the housing complex, i see the witch staring at me, her dead gaze, cutting through.

As i remember the good times, seperating the potions that i conjured. I remember, thinking to myself, she looks so beautiful… i think too myself, while walking up the stairs. Is something wrong? Is she really trapped within, which is which – im starting to lose my memory of everything we did, talked about…

reality feels like its slipping. The area, seems fogged, hard to walk forwards, light shines from within the eyes, stars are present. The thinking slower…

The stairs are of metal, chilly, in these shoes… ice hanging from the small apartment-like unit windows. Frost consuming the floors. I walk upwards, during this large staircase… slippery to the feet. As i try to keep gripping and move up, i can hear the laughing from above, growing with strength.

I finally get to the top, shes standing infront. the 80’s wall paper – looks terrible… to the front as i look, she begins to project an image, of 4… they create a vortex, using her chilly breath – i cant tell which is which….

Chasing a Love

My feeling’s created a vortex – They shall bring her towards; Her’s deflect my circular storm.  The wind shoots towards immensely.

Knocking me down – She comes forward wearing an (unknown) mask, wielding a freshly sharpened knife – The days have passed, the blade remained, the mask knew many roles, the knife has taken many foes – The darkness is overpowering

The weaponry, becomes dull as she progresses her stabs locating my heart – the vortex lessens in size.

She smiles, the beauty of her smile, catches me off guard – my feeling’s ‘sharpen’ – They take ahold – strengthen…. ascend – The vortex grow’s dangerously large;

The powerful air becomes unstable, It fluctuates – tilts rapidly, back-and-forth – bringing forth the other, consuming her; the blade – bounced off my heavily guarded heart, the blade bent…. I wake up, and realize i’ve been walking once more in my sleep – Feeling’s still needing release, to pick her up, and wrap my arms around.

Cycling Towards a Goal

battling the shadows within my mind, a constant fight. they’re using more sophisticated weaponry, advanced targeting systems, spiralling around my mind, detaching reality from within, betraying my beliefs, my agenda…. it feels as-if everything i’ve done in the name of a better life is for nothing, the hard times will be forever… I look to my friends and family for support, but i’m alone. it’s time to call it quits… but something in me keeps wanting what i cannot have. wanting the best. So that side of me will not give up, it moves forward and drags the other side, along… Forever in a constant cycle, of what feels good, mixed with what would be make the best results… so i strengthen up and build myself a future that i’ll be proud of. Forever running a marathon that i may complete…. cycling to my goals in a constant way, playing catchup with what’s not meant for me.

The Personified Skyscraper.

building a skyscraper, the ‘scraper, will be built with well engineered materials, it will laugh beautifully, be well constructed, each brick, each pillar, will shout out to the heavens, commanding storms, telling the God’s that it’s ready to be among the highest building’s within the city. It smiles to the sky – It’s structurally well…. and forever growing, expanding, taking the city over. The personified structure… will never be among those who become ablaze, it will charge in development, charge in power – electricity.  Above the hellish molten of middle Earth, The basement’s concrete will be so embedded so, one with the Earth, the soil. It will tell the ground units trying to destruct this massive building, that’s it’s never be fucked with, never to be tore down. This building is the Earth… It’s as impenetrable as a diamond, in sorts it is.

The Well Crafted Ship

Everything flows calmly and enjoyably… Freeing to be on open water… Catching fish, for nutrition – and employment. Coasting throughout the water mass. No thunderstorms are happening to it. Nobody feels hateful feelings towards the old ship for being what it is. They feel comfortable that it’s not sinking, and overwhelmingly sturdy… They’re perhaps happy the storms gave the craftsmanship of the ship plenty of character… most ships sit near the coast and rarely venture to the lengths this ship did… it overcame terrible circumstances… the water was unforgiving, it was harsh…. but the ship knows it’s a unique piece.. it knows there’s less of them, and it presents itself with a royal look…. but for now the ship is drifting upon the water like it never has, the sun’s out, the clouds have disappeared and there’s a rainbow in the centre of the lake.. but the clouds could come back and the ship can sink, so it has to experience personification with a hopeful perspective, or else it will collapse under the smallest of waves… it has to be strong and do what the others want to, getting off the coast. But the well built ship within the past is created to bare the strongest of pressure, when the waves hit… it just needs to believe that it’s created up-to-great standards.

In an abandoned town.

Society appears calculated. Actors all-over… my ego lifts upwards, downwards. i pray for the days it remains constant. Rather than fluctuating to ridiculous declines and bumping upward – to the point where i can’t breathe, downwards to the point I’m near suicidal. I pray for the days that no-longer feel dreadful, ones where there’s sunny times, and days where it wouldn’t pour, wouldn’t hail – i see weather as an indication of my mood. And weather is forever inconsistent – I want my life back, one where i make the decisions and i’m in-control of everything, the dance is becoming repetitious.. The actors grow aggressive, the puppets unaware and brutal. All-while people tell me that my life’s great… but i doubt everything they say, because i can no-longer trust anything, everything’s changing and i feel stuck within an abandoned town. Someone aggravated the nature within and I’m the only one that can survive within, the only one who can drink the water within the wells, eat the plants, enjoy the cancerous ridden water… everyone wants to collect my pieces of my soul, for their taking… they chip at it one-by-one, accelerating my death…. as i sip on vodka, it helps reconstruct who i am, replenishes the ego, helps the day’s pass, hopefully to the point where i won’t need it, where i’m no longer stuck in this town… In this trap. God seemingly disappeared and all i see is the devil with an exceptional mask, telling me to treat everyone with respect, as they destroy every piece that was me, is me. Chiselling my character, creating a seemingly “real” one… but i doubt everything those two say, i believe that i’m alone, and I’m nourishing myself with deadly substances. And the devil’s unforgiving and angry at me. The devil has it out for me…. perhaps the cloud’s won’t disappear, and the sun won’t shine again… that’s probably the most difficult mess within my life…

Lovely Womanņ

  • I’m satisfied and happy. The lady across the road, is quite friendly, and easy-going. She’s quite effective at communicakĺting and very loving. she reminds one of a clear day. the clouds have settled and the sun begins poking through, with time the clouds escape the sky, and the sun begins to shine through quite well, there isn’t any rain left dripping downwards, it feels as if the rain will not be back and the sun is the only thing we’ll see for weeks, because everyday’s a beautiful summer day with her. It rains fiercely yet she’s content and appreciative of her life, she makes the rain appear a sunny day… she makes the clock begin to look like it’s on ADHD, the spokes move quickly, until they fall off the machine. the moment stands still, and i begin to think to myself, a very lovely thought train, until the next day, but still I’m stuck in a foggy state – different from the regular. one where my heart does the thinking, where it creates beautiful moments, strong wording, and betters my life immensely. I hope one day we’ll get together, but for now i appreciate every careless moment, when life feels complete and lovely. With her it’s easy.

Aura of a God

On-top hovering above the clouds, talking with the god’s. they’re telling me that i’m doing great, that i should be happy – because my life’s “fantastic” and that i need to prepare for the good life. they’re keeping me well, keeping me from erupting and causing a scene, giving me strength, for the life of the greats. They whisper into my ear, you’re fantastic, you’re excellent… eventually the confidence they’ve given doesn’t feel all-that-special… the same divine being whispering into my ear, plenty, leaves me rather disappointed, i wish the world would tell me something desirable to my situation. making this concrete, God’s are rather illusive, so they’re high hopes, turn ‘round. i now feel like they’re stringing me along… wanting me to fail… they’re compliments turn to insults, i feel wobbly upon my pedestal, sitting upon a great’s body. that it appears they’ve given me… should i find the truth in myself? or depend on another…. seems like their ulterior motive was to get me to respect myself, so they allowed me to hangout with the god’s… give a little aura… then find my way – suddenly it all-is-in-place…. and my life doesn’t feel all-that-bad. And i’ve turned rather strong due to their admiration… suddenly it all clicks, i feel wonderful and satisfied, I find the God, but they’ve relocated and aren’t around, i still believe they’re watching so i whisper back, thank-you.